CCC family, we are blown away by your enthusiastic and sacrificial response to this need! It has been beyond encouraging to see everyone SHARE our social media posts and SHOW UP by dropping off supplies at CCC. A special thanks also to the many volunteers who continue helping to organize the supplies (and bring things inside during a brief rainstorm!).
We will continue to accept supplies all night and all morning tomorrow until 12:00 noon, so please keep sharing the news and dropping off supplies from the list(s) below. You can simply drop items off in the marked area near the playground entrance of the church!
If anyone has CARDBOARD BOXES we are in need of many MEDIUM and LARGE boxes to safely and effectively pack the truck as efficiently as possible. If you (or someone you know) is able to procure or donate cardboard boxes that would be a huge help – just drop them by the church in the drop-off area!
Cody let us know today that there are some urgent (and new) needs that came to light over the past 24 – especially in light of an expected cold front that will move into the Western North Carolina area on Monday bringing low temperatures in the 40s and even 30s at high elevations. Donations of cold-weather items are critical, so please see the list of additional needs below.
We welcome any able-bodied volunteers to show up between 11AM and 1PM tomorrow morning as we pack the truck with all the supplies!
Please keep PRAYING that God works through these donations to bring relief, SHARING our post(s) on social media, and DROPPING OFF supplies tonight and tomorrow morning at CCC so we can fill the truck and get these items to those who need it most.
Thank you!
The CCC Team
heavy duty blankets,
heavy duty sleeping bags,
air activated hand & foot warmers,
cold weather clothes for adults, children, and babies
(thermals, thick socks, jackets, hats,
PPE equipment for civilians working on clean up.
This includes: chemical resistant suits & gloves and respirators.

Helene Relief
36-hour Supplies Drive
Christ Community Church family, friends and neighbors—we need your help to provide critical support for victims of Hurricane Helene.
You may have heard of the devastation that Hurricane Helene has caused in the Southeast. From Florida to Virginia there has been record storm surge, wind damage, and catastrophic flooding affecting countless lives. Recently, CCC attenders Cody and Emily Loeffler, along with their two kids, moved to Ashe County, North Carolina, which is right in the middle of the hardest-hit area by Helene. We thank God that the Loefflers, who were in Pennsylvania at the time of the storm, are safe. However, the same cannot be said for many. Roads have been washed away and supplies are dwindling.
In short, the people of Ashe County need our help. The Loeffler family is preparing to return to North Carolina this Saturday. Before that, we are asking that you, our Christ Community family, can help us collect as many supplies as possible to return with to share with those in need.
STARTING NOW and until SATURDAY, October 5th at 12PM, we will be collecting supplies to send down with the Loefflers in a Penske truck Saturday afternoon. The list of needed supplies is below. We will be accepting donations all day on Friday (and until noon on Saturday) by the playground at Christ Community Church, 1190 Phoenixville Pike, West Chester PA 190380.
We encourage you all to bring donations, spread the word to those who may be able to contribute, and to PRAY for all those affected by the hurricane.

Give Financially
If you would like to contribute financially, we encourage you to give to the Ashe County Food Pantry which is currently matching, dollar-for-dollar, every donation up to $100,000.